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Usually celebrated at the Sunday Eucharist. A program of instruction is required for first time parents. Parents must commit to being active in the practice of their faith and handing it on to their children. Godparents must be Catholic, at least 16 years of age and practicing their faith. One who is not Catholic may serve as a Christian witness to the baptism, but may not serve as a godparent. Two godparents, one male, one female, are preferred. If from another parish, a letter of suitability is requested from her/his pastor.


Celebrated each May for those candidates 7 years or older and supported in their faith by their parents. Program of instruction is required for parent and child held on Saturday mornings from January until May. Preparation of Sacrament of Reconciliation is included.


Candidates are at least 13 years of age and practicing their faith. A program of formation and education is required. Sponsors: Must be at least 16 years of age and practicing their Catholic faith. If from another parish, a letter of suitability is requested from her/his pastor.


Arrangements must be made with the priest/deacon of your choice at least six months before setting any dates or locations. A program of preparation is required which includes a marriage readiness survey (online), a Pre-Cana Retreat day or its equivalent, monthly meetings with the deacon or pastor, and marriage liturgy planning. If either party has been married before, a process of annulment may be required before the marriage can take place in church.

Anointing the Sick

Celebrated as requested for those preparing for surgery, facing serious illness, or in an emergency situation. Please call Fr. James at the parish office. The sacrament is also celebrated communally once each year at a Mass for the Sick.


By appointment only. Communal penance services are celebrated in collaboration with neighboring parishes and visiting priests during Advent and Lent.

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