
Liturgical Ministry
Members of our community that assist
the formation and completion
of our religious services
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655

Marriage Ministry
Supporting and nurturing Christian Marriage in the context of peer support and ministry. Group meets on third Sunday of each month after 10:30am Mass
in Augustine Room
Contact Rhonda Cross Mangham
email me | Tel: 216-956-1145

Holy Communion
This ministry assists in distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and to the homebound. Training is required with the Diocese and is offered in spring and fall with
local training in the parish following.
Open to seniors in high school and adults.
Contact Cary Dabney | Tel: 216-391-1655 x14

Music Ministry
Provides musical leadership and song during the worship services and represents the parish as invited at other events in the Diocese and beyond. Choir works under the direction of the Minister of Music.
Practice weekly on Tuesday
Contact Danny McElroy
email me | Tel: 216-391-1655