Altar Servers
Altar servers add to the solemnity that already surrounds the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They assist the Priest in important ways in his role as head of the worshiping church.
Youth and Adult Volunteers Welcomed.

Give the greetings and call the beginning of worship to order with the Wisdom Council. Commentator announces hymns and addresses the announcements
at the end of Mass.
Open to all high school age and older.
Training provided as needed with meetings throughout the year.
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655

Assist in providing hospitality and welcome
to all who come. Duties include greeting guests, handing out bulletins, giving
directions as needed, and coordinating
special needs of guests with ushers.
Open to all high school age and older.
Training provided as needed with meetings throughout the year.
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655

Proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. Opportunities are available
to meet for training and workshops throughout the year. Open to all ages.
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655
Assist in providing for good order during liturgical services and in handing out
material to visitors and guests at the
welcome before Mass.
Training is provided as needed with
meetings throughout the year.
Open to all high school age
members and older.
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655

Assist in counting and reporting the weekly collections. We welcome patient and accurate participants to assist in a small group setting to count and record the offerings.
Counters meet on Sundays.
Contact Fr. James Watson | Tel: 216-391-1655